Go to secret conversation
Go to secret conversation

go to secret conversation

You can also send a location via the secret Facebook Messenger chat by tapping the (+) button and then on the Place menu item.

go to secret conversation

Messages sent in the Facebook Messenger Secret Chat can be text and multimedia, as you can attach photos and videos by tapping on the camera or media gallery icon. You will then be presented with a new Chat screen in black and you can use it to text with the person you want in this hidden section. At this point, locate and tap the menu item Access the secret conversation you will see on the screen. This will open the Details section that refers to the settings of Facebook Messenger for the selected contact and for its relative chat.

go to secret conversation

At this point, to access the hidden section of Facebook Messenger, relating to the secret conversation, tap the symbol of the “i” circle you can see located in the upper right corner of this screen. This will open the “standard” chat of Facebook Messenger, through which you can send text messages, send photos and videos and send voice messages, just like you usually do. Then, to start a secret conversation or to view the messages contained in a previous secret chat started, tap the name of the person with whom you have initiated a secret conversation or with whom you want to initiate it. To do this, first of all, tap on the Messenger app icon (it’s the symbol of a blue comic and a white lightning in the center), then make sure you are on the home screen (the one with the symbol of the little home) to be able to find the list of all the active conversations within the instant messaging application. If you want to start a secret conversation with your Facebook friend or you want to see the messages previously sent in this same chat, you can act through the Facebook Messenger application that you have installed on your Android mobile device. In addition, the messages contained within the same are protected by end-to-end encryption, thus proving to be hacker-proof and practically impossible to intercept.

go to secret conversation

The conversations that took place in the Secret Chats of Facebook Messenger can in fact self-destruct after a set period of time. The secret conversations are nothing more than a hidden section within which you can text in full respect of privacy. The Facebook Messenger messaging application always hides a lot of secrets and in this case, following the most recent updates, you can use a hidden section of the app to start a secret conversation with a Facebook user.

Go to secret conversation